
기출문제시험 합격! SUCCESS VOCA에 길이 있습니다.

[SUCCESS VOCA 기출문제] - 125

2018-01-12 |조회수 141100

시험에 자주 출제되는 - 어근 rog : to ask -  연관 문제 정리 합니다.

SUCCESS  VOCA  1권 24 쪽 보세요.

Some of the newest laws authorize people to appoint a surrogate who can make medical decisions for them when necessary.

① proxy      ② sentry           ③ predecessor              ④ plunderer



SUCCESS  VOCA  1권 125 쪽 보세요.

You have the right to remain silent while you are being interrogated.

① nullified    ② exacerbated     ③ questioned    ④ fabricated

SUCCESS  VOCA  2 권 249 쪽 보세요.

The idea of ethnocentrism is not particularly transparent, and it can all too easily with it the pejorative suggestion of chauvinism rather than a merely limitedly parochial perspective.

① feasible       ② derogatory      ③ pellucid      ④ mediocre

SUCCESS  VOCA  2권 67쪽 보세요.

In our country, child labor was                 fifty years ago. However, in some countries, people are still fighting to end it.

① extradited                 ② exhumed                 ③ abrogated              ④ consoled

SUCCESS  VOCA  1권 247 쪽 보세요.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

① arrogant                    ② calm                  ③ harsh              ④ holy             ⑤ humble


His arrogant manner has kept  him from being very popular.

①  presumptuos    ②   candid     ③    sultry       ④  foul



Congress must abrogate the new tax law.

①  abscond   ②   assimilate    ③  revoke    ④  establish

해석 : 의회는 새로운 조세 법안을 폐지해야 해야한다.

어휘 : abscond : ( abs : away + cond : hide) 몰래 가지고 도망치다, 도주하다, 무단이탈하다

         assimilate  : ( as - ad : to + simil : same + ate) 동화하다, 융화하다, 완전히 이해하다

         revoke : ( re : abck, against + vok : call, voice + e) 취소하다, 철회하다, 폐지하다

         establish : ( e - ex : out + sta - stand + able + ish) 설립하다, 수립하다, 확고히 하다

정답 : ③


Choose the one that is closest in meaning;  prerogative.  ( 사법시험 기출) ☜☜☜  예상 문제

 ①   superior    ②   special privilege    ③   written direction 

④    higher rank    ⑤   dangerous situation

해석 : '특권' 과 가장 가까운 뜻을 고르시오.

정답 : ②


어근 rog : to ask

abrogate : ( ab : away + rog : to ask + ate) 폐지하다, 취소하다

동의어 취소하다철회하다

cancel, abolish, abrogate, annul, countermand, nullify, recall, reverse, withdraw, revoke, retract

** recant, repeal, rescind

arrogate : ( ar - ad : to, intensive + rog : to ask + ate) 사칭하다, 가로채다, 침해하다, 강요하다

arrogant : 거만한, 오만한

동의어 거만한오만한

* conceited, self-important, self-sufficient, high-handed, overbearing

**  arrogant, bloated, cheeky, condescending, contumelious, disdainful, domineering, haughty, hubristic, imperious, impudent, impertinent, insolent, overweening, patronizing, pompous, presumptuous, pretentious, supercilious


derogate : ( de : down + rog : to ask + ate) 폄하하다, 손상하다, 무시하다

derogatory : 가치를 떨어뜨리는, 경멸적인

interrogate : ( inter : between + rog : to ask + ate ) 질문하다, 심문하다

동의어  심문하다

question, quizz, grill, interrogate

rogue : ( rog : to ask + ue : person) 악당, 사기꾼, 범죄자

rogation : (rog : to ask + at : make + ion) 법률 초안, 탄원, 기도(그리스도 승천제 전의 3일간의)

prorogue : ( pro : forth + rog : to ask + ue) 정회하다, 연기하다

prerogative : ( pre : before + rog : to ask + at : make + ive) 특권, 특전, 특권의, 특권을 가진

동의어 혜택특권

* benefit, advantage, privilege

** prerogative, perquisite, perk